How To Avoid Reflection In Product Photography

How to Avoid Reflection in Product Photography

When you take pictures of shiny objects, there are always those reflections that ruin the feeling of your pictures. But not all reflections are bad. They can be used artistically in the pictures to add a new feeling. For example, the image in the reflection of water or the reflection in the mirror can be artistic and attractive.

Now, we know it’s not the reflection itself that is bad but some that should not be part of the image are the actual bad ones. These bad reflections can be corrected in post-production but that can take time. So, if you want to save time on that, this blog is for you. We will explore some very useful tips and tricks to avoid unwanted reflections while taking photos.

Let’s dive in,

7 Secret Ways on How to Avoid Reflection in Product Photography

1. Lens Hood Can Be Helpful When Shooting Through Glass

Lens Hood Can be Helpful When Shooting Through Glass

Imagine you’re clicking photos of colourful fish in a tank or capturing a city view through a window. Here’s a simple trick: use your lens hood. It’s like a little shield that extends from your camera, stopping annoying reflections when you’re shooting close to the glass.

This trick is not complicated or expensive. Just make sure to pack your lens hood with your camera – easy! When you’re not using it, reverse it on your lens to save space.

Now, if you ever forget your lens hood, don’t worry. Get your camera close to the glass, and if you have a black scarf or jacket, use it to cover your camera. This works great, especially when you’re snapping pictures from a tall building, preventing unwanted reflections.

2. Say Goodbye To Reflections with A Polarizing Filter

Say Goodbye to Reflections with a Polarizing Filter

For those who love capturing landscapes without any distracting glow, a polarizing filter is the magic you want. It’s also fantastic for getting rid of reflections in your photos. Look for a circular polarizer filter that fits your lens.

Remember, go for a good-quality polarizing filter. Cheaper ones might make your photos less sharp or give weird colours. Unlike some filters, you need to adjust your polarizing filter whenever you change how you’re shooting – an important detail people often forget.

Just know that polarizing filters have a couple of things to keep in mind. They can make your photos a bit darker, so be ready to adjust your camera settings. It’s a good idea to have a tripod with you to avoid blurry or grainy pictures. And, don’t use polarizing filters when it’s not very bright outside.

These photo tricks not only make your pictures look better but also add a fun touch to your photography. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to try these tricks out! 

If you want to learn more about how you can avoid reflections in jewellery photography, you can learn here: jewellery photography

3. Soft Light Is Your Friend

Soft Light is Your Friend

For awesome photos, soft, diffused light is the way to go. It’s not just about making your subject look fantastic – it’s also very very useful against reflections. But what if you are using natural sunlight? Well don’t worry; you can soften both natural sunlight and indoor lights.

For indoor photography, grab a see-through curtain to soften that harsh light. You can also experiment with softboxes or diffusers to create different types of beautiful, diffused light. If you want more to know about diffusers, you can click here: how to use a diffuser photography

When you’re outside, look for shadows. Trees are like nature’s sunglasses, cutting down those reflections. Plus, if you’re clicking pictures of people wearing shades, you’ll get that trendy background blur – the cool kids call it bokeh.

4. Play With Light Angles

Play with Light Angles

Here’s a cool trick to kick reflections out of your photos. Well, let’s see why do you get reflections? Because light bounces from those shiny surfaces. Now, how does the light bounce? It bounces with the same angle it hits. If you remember a little bit of science from school, then you will remember that the light bounces on a 90-degree angle from the reflecting surface.

If you’re using artificial light, it’s easy-peasy to manipulate it. Move your light around your subject, maybe at a 45-degree angle. You can try putting it in different spots – front, back, wherever.

Dealing with sunlight is a bit like dancing with nature. The sun decides where it shines. But don’t worry; you have options. Different times of the day give you different angles. For a stylish silhouette effect, try backlighting. Just make sure your subject isn’t too dark. We want stylish, not mysterious!

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5. Switch Off The Light

Well, if there’s no light, there will be no reflections. Just kidding! We don’t want to click just black pictures.

Let’s keep it simple – if there are extra lights around that you don’t need, switch them off. It’s an easy fix. Check your surroundings. Any extra lights? Kill it. This includes windows, mirrors, or anything shiny.

Outdoors? Watch out for glass walls and other reflective surfaces. Change your shooting angle, so you don’t catch that unwanted flash. 

6. Get A Photo Tent Or Make It Yourself

Ever heard of a photo tent? It’s like a secret tool for product photographers, especially for shiny stuff like jewellery or watches. Why? Because it’s made of this cool see-through material that folds up tiny. Place it under some artificial lights, and voila! Shadows vanish, and your product shines.

Guess what? There are even studio boxes made just for this. They come with built-in LED lights. No hassle – just plug in, pop your product, and start your click fest.

On a budget? Go DIY. Grab a cardboard box, cut out windows up top and on the sides, cover them with parchment paper. Add lights on the sides and top. Boom! Your own mini photo studio.

7. If Not Anything Else, Then Edit

Still caught some reflections? No worries. Your trusty photo-editing software is here to save the day. Even if some sneaky reflections slipped through, a quick edit will have your back.

Wrapping Up

Wondering how to dodge reflections while shooting? Easy! Use your lens hood or get a polarizing filter – these buddies work wonders. You can even go for soft lighting or change angles to see the magic.

But hey, we get it. Sometimes, despite all the tricks, reflections might play hard to get. No sweat. That’s where post-production steps in, swooping in like a superhero to rescue your pics!

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